Thursday, November 15, 2007

Linnea's Laugh

This morning we had nothing planned so we spent a lot of time playing with and getting to know Jia Lu better. She has began babbling a lot and we enjoy being able to babble back and forth with her - The first clear words we heard from her were Ba-Ba(Daddy in Chinese). She will say Ba-Ba to me then I'll say Ba-Ba back and we will keep going in a circle. Later on in the day I got her to say Gu Gu(Big Brother in Chinese) and when she says it she'll look at Kyle. Even Later in the day we learned that Ye Ye was Grandpa and she began repeating that when our guide Linda said it. So far she has not said Ma Ma - but were still working on it.

She has begun responding to certain goofy sounds and faces as well. Her eyes scrunch up into smiley eyes and then a grin cracks across her cheeks - she then has a little internal giggle that is very reserved but the beginnings of all out laughing. So now our challenge is to get her to do this since we all enjoy it so much. -- Paul

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Kyle,Pam,Paul,and Linnea!
When I was in school on Wednesday, we were studing Asia. When I saw the Great Wall Of China, I said that my friend was there.
Hope you are having a good time in China and have a LOT of sories to tell when you come home.

P.S. Try to get some extra sleep!