Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Breakfast with Linnea

Today at breakfast Linnea was the most animated we have ever seen her. All three of us were able to get her to do her silly laugh and flash us her big beautiful smile. Kyle has a special knack for getting her to do this but Pam and I are learning. At breakfast she was totally hamming it up giggling and smiling. Between last night and this morning we also noticed that she likes to organize and sort her food. At dinner last night she kept trying to eat a piece of chicken in a ceramic spoon - and would not give up until she got it right. This morning she sorted her Watermelon into her cereal bowl before eating it. She is showing more of her personality and skills with each passing day. She has also begun to tell us she does not want things by quickly turning her head away from the item or food when she has had enough. Sometimes she will get a serious look, close her eyes and quickly turn her head away when she doesn't want something. Then she will contently turn her head back to look at you(once you have moved the offending item away from her) - it's a very cute way she has learned to indicate when she is done. -- Paul


Anna said...

Thank you thank you thank you for posting so many wonderful photos and telling all of us so much about your trip! It's such an incredible treat to be able to see and read about your first few days with Linnea -- it's the best part of my day right now, and many other people's too, I'll bet. It looks and sounds like it's going so well!

Seeing the photo of the four of you in the park just about broke my heart (in the good way, of course). Such a beautiful family -- and it's absolutely wonderful to see Pam with a baby carrier, with such a sweet sleeping girl inside.

I still can't believe it's happened; you're on the other side with a daughter of your own! I'm so happy for you, words can't express it.

With lots of love to all of you from Anna

Geer1996 said...

What a great picture! It looks like she is having fun with her food and with her family. How incredible that you can watch and learn more about her with each passing hour. Thank you for writing out the details and sharing it with us. We love the pictures and look at them often. We also love the descriptions of the scenery in China. What a beautiful daughter you have!

Kristy, Ron, Ronnie and Kendra

Unknown said...

Hi Pam and Paul. How wonderful! I just read the last few days on your blog, and it sounds like an absolutely amazing experience. Linnea is just the most beautiful girl. Kyle looks so proud. They both are so lucky to have you two as parents. Thank you for writing and posting the photos. It is a joy to read about your trip.