Monday, November 12, 2007

Gotcha Day!

We arrived in Nanjing this morning(11/12) at 11:30am. It was an hours drive to the hotel then a short drive to the Civil Affairs office to finally meet Jia Lu at 1:30pm. We were waiting in the main office area and when they brought her to the door we recognized her immediately. We were able to talk to her nannie through our wonderful guide Linda and one of the things we found is that her nickname is "Lu Lu". We filled out some paperwork and brought her back to our very comfortable hotel room. Kyle got her to laugh by blowing bubbles and so far she loves to eat crackers. She is so beautiful and we are very excited to spend the week getting to know her better. She has been so sweet and gentle. Right now she is sleeping peacefully in her crib in the room with Pam while Kyle and I get dinner.

Sorry it took so long to post - we are unable to get internet access working here in our hotel in Nanjing. So this will be the last post for the week. When we get to Guangzhou this Friday (11/16) we will try again. Also we will not be able to post pictures until then either - Sorry.


Unknown said...

Congratulations on a very special day for your family! I'm sure it must have been very emotional for all of you, but it sounds as if Linnea's transition went smoothly. Hopefully you will be able to relax a bit now and enjoy your time together this week. Can't wait to see your pictures. Love her nickname!

Nancy said...

I can already hear the love!!!
How is her cold? Did she sleep OK?

Kyle makes me laugh too!! (even without the bubbles)

Nicole said...

I am so happy for you...tears of joy. I love reading your daily news and today am so happy to know you have your daughter! It's taken lots to get here! I will look forward to hearing your weeks story Friday! Have a great week and enjoy your family! Nicole

Kyle...I miss you. It's boring in the classroom without you. I can't wait to see your sister. Have fun in China! Moussa

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I can't wait to meet her!

Hollie said...

Sounds like your day went wonderful! I am so happy for you guys...makes me remember how happy I felt when we added Claire to our family. I hope the rest of your week continues to go as smoothly as this first experience together!! Sounds like Kyle and Linnea are off to a great start. Hollie

Mindy said...

Congratulations! I am so very happy for you all. I cannot wait to hear the full story of your trip. I am sending you all good thoughts!

Mindy said...

Congratulations! I am so very happy for all of you. I am excited to hear the full story of your trip. My thoughts are with you all.